Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Homework Is Dumb, Not Us!

Blah. My sister's mad at ME because I don't know what she's supposed to do on her homework. My YOUNGER sister. Who's homework is supposed to be EASIER than mine. I tried to help her, but I wasn't doing it right, and she got mad. So, does that mean I'm stupid? Or is the homework she's doing stupid?
She has to explain how she knows a certain 2 squares are similar. I personally thought she sis that pretty well. She just said that she knew because the scale factors were the same. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Her teacher wants her to show why using stupid equations that she doesn't even understand how to use.
Now, I was starting to think about something. Don't all of us usually end up with homework we don't understand, and get bad grades on it because of it? Is that Our fault. No. It's the teacher's fault, if anyone's, because they're supposed to explain it in a way everyone will understand. But they give some generic explanation that maybe 3 people will get, give out homework, and then explect everyone to do it perfectly. Don't get me wrong, some teachers are GREAT helping people understand. My Algebra teacher (let's codename him "Mr. Tom" for reasons I'll explain easily for my real life friend, and him if he happens to read this) is great with helping us understand. His examples start very easy, and get a teensy bit harder as we go along, but only enough that we're challenged, but not overwhelmed. Plus, he's funny, and the students like him. In fact, 'Mr. Tom' is one of the favorite teachers in the school. And you can't help but learn a lot when you like the teacher. But other teachers aren't so good in the help-me-understand department. It's teachers like that that make me miss the days where you hand in your homework and get 100% just for doing it, and then the teacher uses it to make sure you understand and are doing it right. In those not-so-distant times, if you didn't understand, you got helped instead of punished. THAT was fair!
Anyway, thank you for listening to my ramble. I know the last thing some of you want to hear about is homework. But we all have to do it, or at least had to if you're not in school anymore (to those who graduated and have jobs: LUCKY DOGS!!!), so just bare with me for this week, and I'll be back to just whatever next week. If I can think of something. Because these annoying rambles usually occur when my life is OMIGOSH! super uber boring. So bye! Teh fabulous Kaylie will be back next Tuesday(because I didn't have time to make to post on the right day this week).

PS. If you really do know me in real life, don't look for your name. I give everyone code names to respect their privacy. Believe it or not, SOME PEOPLE don't want thier names all over the 'net for greasy old rapist to find! Toodles! ;)