Friday, October 31, 2008

My Boo-tiful People

Happy Hallows Eve, dear readers! I decided that since Halloween was this week, I'd save my post until then(okay, I actually forgot on Tuesday, and made this decision Wednesday, but so what?) And what a Halloween it was! It was exactly what Halloween is supposed to be: Getting sugary food-stuffs with your friends in a costume that, however fun, you would never wear on a normal day.
I loved my friends! One of them was also my sister, but I'm allowed to be friends with my sister! Anyway, we decided to use code names, as to not become targets for rapists and stalkers. I was Kaylie, my sister was Savannah, and my other friends were Ember and Sam. And it was the funnest October 31 I can remember! I love you guys! Here's to more beautiful moments together!
Savannah, my dear little sister, you can always come to me for everything. I know you already knew that, and that fact should just have been supported by the laughing and fun we experienced together tonight. You can come to any of us with your problems, especially me. I'll love you forever, no matter what you do or say. You are the best little sister a girl could have.
Ember! We've been friends for so long, I can't believe we're in high school already! I'm glad you decided to come with us. You are one of the few people I can open up to, and you know almost all my secrets. I've trusted you with things I would never trust anyone else with. I hope we will be friends for many years to come, if not forever. Who ever said 'Till death do us part' only applied to married couples never had a friend as good as you.
My dear Sam! Out of the three, I've know you for the shortest time, but I still love you just as much as Savannah and Ember. You're hillarious, and I hope you never change. Since I've met you, you've changed me for the better. I hope to see you as much as possible in the coming years. Everyone needs on person in their life who can make them laugh when they're on the verge of tears. For me, that's you. I love how you defend your opinions, and don't care if we don't agree. Two years together, a lifetime to go! Life will never be boring while your around!
Oh my gosh, this is getting me choked up! The three of you are such beautiful people, I hope that we will be friends for all of our lives, and that those lives are long and as beautiful as our friendship, and as your hearts. And a quick note: just because I said something about one person, doesn't mean it only applies to them. You're all welcome to come to me with problems, as I'm comforable sharing my problems with you. You're all capable of bringing my back from that pit of depression I so often get trapped in. And most of all, I hope we are all friends for ever and a day! I believe this is the perfect moment to start a poem:

Even when death does our friendship part
We will all stay in the others' hearts.

Good-bye, and happy Halloween to all the beautiful people in the world! I hope all of you who read this can see one of your friends in at least on of the beautiful people above.

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